Kittens - they can be fun, and often are. Then they are little bastards. Dundee is very cute and loveable but when he gets wound up, look out. He will race through the apartment from one end to the other, leaping over whatever is in the way. He'll fly up the screen door cage to the top and then drop down and fly back through the apartment. And sometimes when he's particularly wound up, he will try to climb up and over the privacy screen I have in my bedroom, knocking it over and smashing parts of it off. Then there are the times when I let him play in the courtyard garden. For the most part, he has settled down a fair bit out there, and can prowl around for hours, usually while I'm out there with him either hanging out clothes, sitting with my friends having a drink, or sometimes I take my laptop out there and write or chat with friends. He often leaps up the fencing after lizards or bugs, and actually caught a lizard some weeks back. The birds will come in and taunt him, chirping and squawking at him, dive bombing and flying away. For the most part, he is pretty good.

And then there was today. I was about to hang out clothes, and he was playing in the courtyard for a bit while I cooked breakfast, and did the laundry. Except when I went out to hang out the clothes, he was gone. I figured he might have just climbed up over the fence and was in the driveway next door or the carpark where my car is. No, not this cat. He was on the roof of my building. Dumbass. He was prowling back and forth along the building, on the neighbor's roof, and on the pergola of my courtyard and the neighbor's courtyard. I got out the rather ridiculously heavy iron ladder the landlady left here and leaned it up against the fence to see where he was so I could grab him.

Then of course the phone rang, it was the computer guy coming to pick up my fried computer. Great. Come on over and if you can't find me, I'll be on the roof chasing my damn cat. When he arrived I was on the ladder, yelling at that little bastard to come down. He of course saw it as a game. So I got the computer for the guy and went back to coaxing him. He finally walked within reach of me overhead while I stood on the cooler under the pergola and grabbed him by the legs. He thought he was going to get away again, but I had a death grip on him. I pulled him down and chucked him in the door. Then it started to rain, so back into the house I went with the laundry basket of clothes and just as I was coming in, didn't that little bastard run back out into the courtyard. I had to chase him around and around and around. Little fucker. I was steaming mad by that point and managed to catch him again by the legs and chucked him into the bathroom this time. I was so mad I didn't want him anywhere near me.
After about 20 minutes in the bathroom, I let him out again where he sauntered up to me as innocent as you please, looking for attention. Reminds me of Stormy. He would be a little bastard and when he came out of his time out he would act the same way. Probably why I love the little guys in spite of their naughtiness. Too damn cute.