the beauty of the desert |
With the temperatures reaching 40C and higher this past week, I definitely know I am in the middle of the desert climate. The heat is pretty intense, but what is even more intense is the sun and how it feels on my skin. It's like putting my hand over a lit gas burner. I can feel it burn in just seconds of exposure. I have sunglasses on, and have resorted to an umbrella at times to create my own shade, but my feet and calves (if exposed) feel like someone has a blow torch on them. BURN! I'm going to have to break down and start applying sunscreen all over when it's this hot, as I'm certain I burnt in the few minutes at a time I was outside.
I have begun driving to work. It is pleasant enough to walk in the morning with temps only in the mid-high twenties, but by the time 4:21pm rolls around, it is just BAKING out there. Sure my car gets hot, but with the air conditioning, I just need to give it about a minute of running and the car is fit to sit in again. I understand now why new vehicles come with custom carpeting on the dash. It would melt otherwise. I also am super glad I bought a steering wheel cover - purple fun fur - it doesn't get nearly as hot as the bare wheel or a rubber one like I had on my Corolla would have.
As hot and humid as it was in Cambodia, this is nothing like it. I sweat some, but not as much as I did in Cambodia. We were at least moist in Cambodia, but here my throat dries up so very fast, and I am choking to even lift my tongue to speak, so have taken to carrying a water bottle around with me again out of necessity. Can't really interview clients when I can't speak, and many of our home visits occur outside, as we are never invited in. We try to find some shade to speak to folks in but when it's noon, the sun is directly overhead and there is no shade unless you have a tree nearby.
This is just the beginning I'm told. I am so glad I have air conditioning at home, in my car, and in my office. I would die without it, I'm certain. I don't need it on when I sleep as the air does cool considerably at night, although tonight it is still 32C at 8:15pm. It will cool after midnight to the mid twenties. I have a fan on me all night, and sleep in just a tank top and undies, with no blankets on. So far I am managing. It doesn't get much hotter than this, but it will be hot like this off and on until about March or so. The highest temperature on record here for November is 42.9C so it can't get much hotter unless we're looking to break a record again. Humidity is at 30%...nice. Of course, the highest temperature on record for January is 45.2C...gross.
When you look at the UV index rating - it is purple - Extreme...my poor skin. So here we are, heading into a hot summer. Apparently last summer was rather rainy and colder. I'm fine with that. Bring it on. The fall, winter, and spring has been just awesome as far as I'm concerned.
Heading out bush on Thursday to Nyrripi, Yuendumu and Yuelamu and on Friday to Laramba, Ti Tree and possibly Utopia. It's gonna be stinking hot. We fly/drive in air con, but that's where it ends. When I'm out bush, my office is wherever the client is, typically at home, so we meet outside in the shade if possible. I would love an air conditioned bubble suit...
Alice is centered between these deserts |
Despite the heat, I am still loving Australia. I would still rather the heat of the summer compared to the frozen days of winter in Canada, particularly in the north where they already have several inches of snow. They can have it. I'm wearing flip flops, tank tops and shorts...and not a shovel in sight.