So not much new, just that the visa nomination has been lodged. Now we wait for an assigned number so that I can proceed with a visa application online. I expect to hear either tomorrow or next week (as tomorrow is Friday in Australia) about it, and then it becomes my turn to fill out my application online, and upload my documents. It almost seems surreal, like it isn't happening to me but to someone else in a foreign land. Who is this person? This soon to be immigrant? And why is she leaving her beloved Canada? Sometimes it frightens me a little, to know that I won't be in my home and native land, the true north strong and free. But then I remember - I have traveled through my country, from one end to the other and back again a number of times, having slept at least one night in ever single province and 2 of the 3 territories. If I could drive to Nunavut, it would have been all of them. I've nearly run out of places to explore. I've worked and/or lived in 2 territories and 5 of the 10 provinces. I've camped in all of the provinces except for PEI (stayed with friends) and in those two territories. It's time for a new adventure; a new country to explore from one end to the other.
Australia - here I come, an immigrant from Canada, aka an ex-pat seeking adventure in your beautiful country with a thirst for the open road of a new land. I hope you're up for it. I know I am.
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