Tuesday, May 10, 2011

What's New in the Zoo

Well, I came home today to find a mouse curled up snacking in the poison tray under the stairs. Nice. So I picked up the tray, mouse and all, and he was so doped, he continued to snack...then as the box moved and he realized his surroundings were changing, he jumped out, but I was able to recapture him, caught him by the tail and evicted him promptly out the door and over the fence...this poison is supposed to kill them with one piece, and I've gone through about 20 boxes of poison so far...where in the hell are they coming from and where are they dying are my questions...

On the brighter side, I found out today that I was accepted for financing with Toyota Australia so after signing on the dotted lines today, I am the new proud owner of a Toyota Rav 4! The color is Liquid Bronze...kind of a bronzy green color, but hard to tell from the photos as they were all taken in the shade. Their car lot is shaded under canopies, due to the heat much of the year. I should be able to take it home by next Tuesday or Wednesday, if not sooner! I can't wait. I am getting a few extras as well, like a rubber mat for the cargo area, and a nudge bar (aka a 'roo bar so I won't wreck the engine if I hit a kangaroo). Then I shall be hitting the roads next weekend, probably headed for Triphena Gorge first as I couldn't make it there in a car the last time due to a floodway still being flooded. Lookout, here she comes!

Life is good down under...

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