So I worked my very last day this year. I am officially on Christmas vacation. It's quite different celebrating Christmas in Australia - no snow, sweltering hot weather, and kangaroos pulling Santa's sleigh. It is the only time of the year that I miss the winter snow, just an inch or two, something to blanket the ground and coat the trees. A nice -5C would be terrific about now after another 39C day. I'm looking forward to winter in a few months. At least the temps are below 30C everyday.
Last Christmas was quite special. My daughter arrived on my birthday (19th) and after a few days in Alice Springs we hit the road to camp for the rest of it. The heat followed us until after we left Port Augusta, and then it was comfortably in the high 20s from there on until we made it to Melbourne and it was up above 35C again. We had Christmas Day in Adelaide and New Year's in Melbourne. This year I'll be in Alice Springs for all of it. I was meant to be taking off on a road trip today to Broome, but found out a few weeks ago that no one who was planning to go could get the time off work as they has all changed jobs in the past month. And the gal we were going to visit has to work as well. Just as well, most of us are heading to Byron Bay in March for Bluesfest so we will make up for it then - so stoked about the lineup - Carlos Santana, Paul Simon, Ben Harper, Steve Miller Band, Wilco, Jason Mraz, Bonnie Raitt, Roger Hodgson (Supertramp) Iggy and the Stooges (Iggy Pop), Xavier Rudd, Counting Crows, Robert Plant (Led Zeppelin), Derrick Trucks (Allman Brothers Band), Matt Anderson, and so many more! It's a camping festival so will be just one big party. I guess that is my Christmas present to myself - music!
This year my birthday was pretty low key. My manager baked me a cake and shared it with my coworkers. After working late, I met a friend for supper at the Todd Tavern, had some crappy ribs (boy these Aussies need to learn about what good pork ribs are), and a pint and then went home and spent the night watching the X-Files with the cat, and knitting mittens. Yeah, I know, knitting mittens in the middle of the desert hot summer.

So Christmas this year will be low-key - I have lunch at a friend's house with her family, and other orphans. There won't be a turkey dinner though since it is too damned hot to have the oven on all day. I might get myself some turkey breast or a chicken to roast. I doubt I'll decorate or put the tiny tree up for Dundee to destroy. I think I've lost the Christmas spirit. My biggest excitement will come from talking to family back home and hearing what they think about what I've given them for Christmas. I've sent some interesting gifts back to Canada, some that are Aussie originals, so should be cool to hear how they are received. At least all of my parcels made it to Canada on time. My daughter sent two large care packages to me but alas, they have not arrived, so probably won't see them until next year since they usually take 2-3 months and they weren't mailed until late in October I think. My mother sent me money, so I picked up a painting on a gum tree bark of an Aboriginal elder a few weeks ago at the market for myself, as pictured here. So there won't be any presents under the tree I can't be bothered putting up. I miss the days when we all exchanged presents, and the tree was loaded underneath with tons of presents for Amber, and the excitement of watching her open her presents. It's been many years since those days...
So I reckon I'll probably go for a few drives to go swimming at the waterholes nearby. There are still a few I haven't been to closer to town. When the temperature is a sweltering 41C on Christmas Eve, it might be just what Santa ordered...