With the temperatures averaging about 39C-41C the past few months, I'm over it. I know, I chose to come and live in the middle of the desert but even the locals say it's been a hot spring and summer. Usually the heat doesn't start until November, but this year it began in September, which is early spring. And we have about 3 months of it left given that summer just started a few weeks ago. I don't think Alice Springs will find me here next summer. I've decided to look at moving west to Perth or south to Melbourne in May/June as my lease is up then and I don't want to renew for another six months and find myself moving in the hot summer. I have some good friends that have moved to Melbourne, but it is Perth that draws me. Better weather year round, turquoise waters, and lots of well paying job opportunities if WA is still recruiting when the time comes. They also pay relocation which is important as I have no desire to sell all my stuff to buy again when I arrive. I had thought about moving there this year but just wasn't up for another move so soon again. I wanted to spend at least 2 years in one place for a change, and so I'll work another 6 months in my new job and unless something drastic changes, I'll start applying for jobs in February with the hopes of moving in late May when my lease terminates. I'm keen to live in another area of Australia before I return home, and Perth caught my eye earlier this year, particularly the Fremantle area just south of Perth. It is a major city of over 1 million people, and an international airport. I would be able to fly cheap to Asia and flights home would be much cheaper as we have to pay at least $400 extra just to get out of Alice Springs. I feel like I've seen a good portion of central Australia, and have enjoyed my experience here, and will continue to enjoy it as I get to work out on the APY lands after Christmas, but I very much miss the ocean, and have had it with this unrelenting heat. I miss spending time outside because the heat is so very oppressive in summer, and I can't take it. While I'm in no way ready for the snow of my homelands, I have had my fill of sweltering heat. I miss being outside, reading a book in the shade of a tree overlooking the water, be it ocean, lake or river.
I've been feeling somewhat homesick lately though, probably because we're nearing Christmas, and everyone is talking about going home, or having family arrive for the holidays and I'm here on my own, wishing I could have my girl with me again this year. I miss her the most. I think I need to start considering my return to Canada in a few years. I want to apply to a master's of criminology or social work and those applications are due usually the December before the following September entry, so I have about a year to get one together as I am considering registering for September 2014, if I am accepted that is. One program that has caught my eye is the University of Calgary's MSW in International and Community Development with field placements possible in Africa. Yeah, that would be right up my alley.
For now though, I have immersed myself in the work of domestic violence advocacy with the people on APY lands, and learning Pitjantjatjara, while looking to explore more of central Australia once the heat breaks in February or March. Stay tuned!
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