Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Wrapping Up Life in Oz

So my time here in Australia is coming to a close after 4 years of adventure down under. I leave the country in about 35 hours headed for home. I have found a new home for Dundee with a family of four who emigrated to Australia from England last year. They had to give up two kitties to come here (quarantine is just atrocious here not to mention the long flight) so it just felt right. They have a big house with a big yard in a quiet neighborhood, so he will have plenty to explore. I was able to go back and visit him and he seemed quite settled and a bit nervous when I went to leave like he didn't want me to take him away and stuff him in that car again, ha ha. I spent some time with his new mistress and she is quite taken with him. He really is a lovely kitty, and though I am sad to see him go, I know he will be loved and treated well.

I'm in my apartment for the last night, surrounded by piles of crap, my baggage, and my temporary bed - air mattress covered with my foamy - the foamy I had in the Karma van actually, it has served me well. I will drop it off tomorrow at the home of one of the ladies as I think they could use it in the living room since they have no furniture and sit on the floor. Most of the cleaning is done, and I should be able to finish up in the morning. I have to lug everything down to my car, but it won't take too long. My suitcase and backpack are quite heavy and I expect I'll be paying extra for them, but it was unavoidable. I will be traveling for 4 months so needed to pack for that, and I am mailing out 5 boxes of stuff I could do without until I settle down in Edmonton. I'm also a bit of a clothes hog...

I have a busy day tomorrow - finish the cleaning, lunch with my bestie, henna on my hands with the ladies, supper and drinks with the friend I'm staying with tomorrow night, and a bunch of errands sprinkled in there somewhere. I will be so very happy just to get to the airport and checked in. Then I know there is nothing else to be done but fly home. I just hope our plane doesn't mother is meeting me at the airport, and a little bird told me there could be a couple others. I arrive at midnight Friday night, and with customs and baggage, it will be a late night, but I just wanted someone to be there. After all, I've been gone for 4 years and haven't seen my mother in 5 years. I am so very looking forward to that momma hug!

I thought about writing a retrospective about Australia, but think I'll wait until I'm at the airport looking for something to do while I wait. Then my head will be a little more clear I hope and the words will flow...

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