Friday, September 7, 2012

Changing Tides

     Well, I don't know if there are tides in my future for sure, but a change is definitely on the way. I have made the decision to leave my current position. I haven't given notice yet, but I am actively seeking another job and am determined to leave as soon as I have an acceptable offer of employment. I've wanted to write about what has been going on, but when one is a public servant, there are limitations to discussing issues at the workplace in a public forum. Suffice it to say, I am simply looking for new challenges and a different mindset that doesn't compromise my social work ethics. I've put in 18 months in my current job, and here in Central Australia, that is considered long term. It's pretty transient here and I can't even count the number of people who have walked through the revolving door at my agency. Turnover like I have never seen in my life. There is always bound to be turnover in any child protection agency due to the fast paced high stress nature of the work. In any event, the stress this current situation is putting on my body is just not worth it anymore. Time to move on to new challenges. And it has nothing to do with the clients...
     I'm looking both locally and interstate in South Australia and Western Australia. I'm hoping to get something in a town the size of Alice, but closer to a major city. It's been so expensive to get out of Alice Springs to a major airport where fares are significantly cheaper to travel internationally. I'm only looking at oceanside agencies interstate. If I'm going to move out of the desert, I'm going for the ocean, not more desert. I'm keen to live in another part of Australia and explore what I can from there. Both states have breathtaking beaches, turquoise waters, and desirable climates for the most part. There will be more rain, but not an excessive amount like the top end, but not as rare as here in the desert. It hasn't rained in Alice Springs since March of this year. I don't like a lot of rain, but sometimes a little would be nice for a change to freshen things up.
     Staying local is my preference as I was hoping not to be moving anywhere this year for a change. For a variety of circumstances, I've moved every single year since 2004. I don't have near the amount of stuff I've had in most of my past moves, but there is enough. I'd rather not pack up. I like Alice Springs, like my current apartment, and my group of friends. I've enjoyed the climate and the work with the client population. The local positions I've applied for are for NGO's which will be a welcome change from being a public servant all these years. My social work practicum was at an NGO and I quite liked the intimacy of a private agency. The positions are a departure from child protection as well, so looking forward to that new challenge if it happens for me. Of course the salary is lower, but sometimes the sacrifice can be worth it.
   So there has been a lot of things going on these past few weeks since my return from San Francisco, which is why I haven't posted lately. I had so much going on that I couldn't write about that it occupied most of the space in my brain, which I resent every time it happens. I just want to be able to go to work and do my job, and do it well. So employers out there - hire me! I'm ready to hit the ground running. The jobs in SA and WA are mostly with government, but the odd job comes up for an NGO. I am still game to work for government if it is a different one, as one cannot tar them all with the same brush.

     Wish me luck, and I'll keep y'all posted as things progress. Onward to the next chapter of my life! In the meantime, local life lives on. The Bush Bands are over at the oval tonight, and I can sit in my courtyard and listen to them without having to deal with drunken crowds.

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