Saturday, October 20, 2012

Changes Afoot

      My apologies to readers for my lack of posts in October. It has been a busy month! Not long ago I made the final decision to leave my government position once and for all. I had been pondering it for many months, due to my struggles with the current management, and then when they added yet another impossible manager, the writing on the wall was clear - quit or go down with a sinking ship - so I chose to quit. I was getting so frustrated with it all. I was dying a little inside every day and dreading going into work. My health was suffering, and I was sick and tired of going to work to fight about something every day.

NPY Women's Council members
     So off I go to an Non-Government Organization - NPY Women's Council and couldn't be happier about it. I begin on November 5th, and while it is quite a drop in pay, life is too short to work for a bitch who is determined to drag workers down and destroy their careers. Goodbye and good riddance I say. I was worried about my visa as it was sponsored by the NT government, but they have agreed to just let me go, as I have given them 19 months, and I had a note from my doctor in support of my leaving. Once they gave me the word, it was like a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders!

      NPY is a very strong support agency for women who live on the NPY lands, which spreads out over the southwest corner of the NT, northwest corner of SA and eastern central WA. I'll be out bush about 50% of the time which suits me just fine! I love going out to community. I'll be working as a case advocacy worker for domestic violence survivors, and some sexual assault survivors. I finish up at my current agency at the end of next week, and then I'm taking a week off to regroup and get into the mindset of working within a non mandated service. It will be my first social work position that is non-government and I am stoked! It will be a whole new perspective and I'm tickled to get a more in depth experience with the local Aboriginal culture. Australia has so much more to offer and I can't wait to experience it!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats Jude!
    Been reading since you left and am really happy for you. That IS saying a lot if the Oz manager is worse ;) Hope this new change works out for you.


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