Sunday, June 16, 2013

Look Out Melbourne!

So I was finally offered a job in the city - Melbourne! And I start in about 3 weeks, so have to pack up my life here and get myself to Melbourne. I have a friend to stay with until Dundee and I find our own place. I'm hopeful about finding something with hardwood floors in an old house or building, and near the train/tram lines so I can take public transit to work. I'm rather excited about the prospect of moving to a big city again. It's been awhile. I last lived in Victoria, which isn't as big as Melbourne, but much bigger than Alice Springs. I'm looking forward to shopping, restaurants, cheaper travel, parks, and THE OCEAN! I can't tell you how excited I am about moving near the ocean again. I've missed it so. I know I'll miss the desert, but my heart has always been with the ocean. It's in my blood. Both of my parents came from fishing communities on the rawest parts of the ocean. I can smell the salt from here...I'll write more as things progress. I'm pretty tired, spent most of the weekend packing. I don't have much time and I have to go out bush for several days before I go as well. And someone has seen fit to share their germs with me and I'm going through boxes of to bed it is...

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