Sunday, August 18, 2013

Windy City Life

Well, since my last post, I was MIA for a week at the local hospital with the worst pain of my life. Ever. And that includes childbirth and the great toothache of 2010. I was in for pancreatitis, and had a few complications, but I'm feeling much better now, and looking forward to really enjoying life in this windy city. Yes, it is terribly windy much of the time. I have a lovely little balcony but it's too bloody windy to sit out there in a wind tunnel created by the palm trees and buildings. I'm certain I'll enjoy the wind in the summer, but in the winter it's just cold. I have the door open often, which Dundee just loves. He enjoys being out on the balcony, surveying the scene below and around him. There are flocks of birds that come in and out of the trees beside and below us, so that keeps him entertained. We also get the sun most of the day, which he loves to roll around outside in. He's been very good at coming in. Sometimes he just needs to see me get up off the sofa and he's inside the door. We seem to get rain nearly every day but it doesn't always last long, just sweeps through with the wind, and then the sun comes out, or the stars at night. Strange indeed compared to Alice Springs and the desert weather.

So I did get to the beach - it was also a bit chilly and I was feeling quite sick at the time, so didn't get to enjoy it like I wanted to. It was great catching up with an old friend, but in the end I was just as glad to be at home on the sofa, writhing in pain. I'm hoping to do a lot more exploring soon, however I'm pretty busy with chores at home, and not quite feeling 100% just yet. Apparently recovery can take awhile. I was just so glad to get out of the hospital. You are at your most vulnerable there, and it amazes me how many people take advantage of that. I won't say much here, but suffice it to say I have a few letters to write.

I've been settling into my flat, and the local neighborhood, having to use the GPS less and less to find my way around. I went to the movies yesterday, and saw The Conjuring. It was a scary enough movie, but the stupid teenagers behind me were chatting, and thumping around the entire time, and finally someone yelled out at them. Didn't help. I don't feel like I got my money's worth - $19/Adult for the movie, and it was a matinee, still pricey. I bought a popcorn - frozen coke - candy combo, and it was $23!!!!!!!!! For one person! I nearly shit my pants, but was hostage to the popcorn and frozen coke. The coke was amazing, but I hated the stupid cup with a blender they give it to you in. Pain in the ass and in the way. The popcorn was dry and oversalted, as they don't put topping on it, butter or otherwise. I won't be going to the movies again.

I am hoping to finally square the last few things away today, and then take some photos of the place as people have been asking. I had to buy a vacuum cleaner yesterday to get on top of the fur, dust, and hair balls I see slinking along the floorboards. While I do so very much enjoy the lack of carpeting, the drawback is you see all of the dirt, as it has nowhere to hide. I left my other vacuum in Alice Springs, broken. I'm certain Dundee will hate it just as much...

Laundry prices have changed - $5.00 for a load, and $1/8 minutes in the dryer. Cost me about $30 yesterday to do the laundry. I miss my washing machine. I did splurge and dry things in the dryer which I usually don't do, but things take days to dry here, so the clothes rack is up for days in my cozy little apartment.

Back to the office finally tomorrow. I got out of the hospital on Monday and went back to training on Tuesday in the city. Now to get to work!

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