Monday, December 9, 2013

What happened to November?

Apologies all around.  I used to be such a disciplined blogger but I fear I have fallen off. Part of the issue has been that my computer crapped out and while I can blog with my iPad, because it doesn't have a card slot for my camera memory cards, I can't really post photos unless I take them with my iPhone. I did go out finally and buy a new computer, after all my last one was bought in 2010, over 3 years ago. It crapped out about 2 months after the extended warranty expired. I considered getting it looked at, but I had already spent a fortune after the last crash when I fried the hard drive, I just couldn't sink anymore money into it. The disc drive had stopped functioning and then the screen went. The hard drive still boots up so I hope the data is still retrievable. I just need a hard drive reader so I can transfer it. My external hard drive also crapped out for some unknown reason which really pisses me off because all of my photos were stored on there. I still have my writing because not only did I back it up on my portable hard drive, I also emailed it all to myself just in case this very thing happened again. 

In any case, you didn't miss much. My health has been a bit limiting so I have not really gone on any new adventures. I've been just throwing myself into my work, doing lots of reading, and playing Sims Freeplay on my iPad. Very addictive but a great improvement on the original game. At least when I tell my sims what to do, they just do it...

The Melbourne weather has been very crazy - pissing rain and 15C one minute then blue skies and 25C and then before you know it the clouds roll in again and the temperature drops and the rain is back. The wind is quite blustery at times as well. I'm not complaining since I haven't felt over heated as much with the cooler temps, but everyone else certainly has(complained, that is). Folks are still rugged up like they're ready for a Canadian winter for Pete's sake, when the so called winter temps plummet all the way to 10C...I don't of course. I barely wear a sweater on the cooler days, let alone a jacket. The cooler temps has at least allowed me to wear socks and shoes, and my lovely Fossil boots I bought in Vancouver a few years ago. It had always been far too hot in Alice to wear them but I have worn them all them time here. They are so comfy and have a low heel. I had to buy some more shoes for work as my previous manager didn't like my sketchers. I also needed them for court, and on my new team, I'm there at least once a week so also had to buy some more conservative skirts as the courts are not the place for my hippy skirts. They are also too big and flowy for my desk chair as I keep rolling over them.

Dundee is doing well and I've blogged a bit for him over the past several weeks. Just click on my profile here and you can check out his blog.  He's been having many more adventures than me, including jumping into the palm tree next to our balcony. I've also begun to wonder if we are alone in this apt...think we may have mouse and a lazy ass cat (Dundee). I think I have found a bit of poop and on the weekend Dundee woke me up while jumping up at some vents in the bedroom wall. I got up and checked it out and there is some kind of vent that runs along the top part of the wall and a few vents outside over the balcony window and door. I went outside and could very clearly hear something scratching around in there and Dundee went a bit nuts trying to climb up there. I don't mind mice, but if is one of those giant fucking rats I saw run under someone's courtyard platform when I first moved in, I will absolutely lose my shit. It was as big as Dundee. Ewwwww.

I've been pretty homesick lately too, thinking about family and Canada and with Christmas coming up, it's just a bit sad. I have a few invites over Christmas so won't be totally alone, but I really miss my girl, Amber. We chat pretty well every day but it's just not the same. I can't hug her, or be hugged by her and I think I miss that the most. I'm seriously considering a move back to Canada next year, but a lot will depend on how much money I have been able to save by then. I may just go back for a long visit instead of a move. I'd want to spend a week with my mother and other family/friends on the east coast, then a few days with my sis and her family in Northern BC and a couple of weeks with my girl in Edmonton and any leftover time with my soul sister and soul brother in Victoria. It will not be cheap and I would need a month. I do get 4 weeks leave per year and have used none so far, so time off shouldn't be an issue. The big thing will be getting a cat sitter...

So that's the latest. Sorry no pics this time around but I promise a park post this weekend.  I'm on my iPad and had already shut down the new comp for the night. Hope y'all are well (all 3 of you, lol) and please feel free to comment using the anonymous if you don't have and account. Just put your name at the end of the message, first name should be enough. 

G'day all!

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