Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Latest Buzz

Well, I heard from the recruitment agency today. The London office is saying it will be two more weeks before they can present formal offers for the jobs in Australia. Which is pretty much what the Aussie government did say in the interview. It was the recruiter I've been working with that told me I would know right away, and then within a few days, then by week's end, and then within the following week. Been led along quite a bit by her. In any case, I did also speak to her today and she made a few comments that could be interpreted as very positive signs. She said that the Canadians who interviewed did well, and left it at that until the very end of of the call when she let is slip that all of the Canadians who interviewed are going to be offered positions - and I am CANADIAN! I am not even sure she realized she said it, so I didn't draw attention to it... So, while I won't bet the farm on it just now, and I am still going to pursue other options, as I have to work SOMEWHERE by May, it does sound like a good indicator. As well, my former co-worker and friend that is applying pointed out that they don't make you wait for bad news...if you weren't getting an offer, why would we be told we will know officially in two weeks...

In any event - positive news! Now if we can just get the formal offer and get the visa paperwork started and underway. I have such a flexible schedule that I can get my medical appointments done quite quickly, as I hear that is often what holds them up, as people try to fit in those appointments around a career and family, etc.

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