Tuesday, August 16, 2011

G-Force and Docker River

I headed off to Docker River today for work and our very talented pilot decided to avoid some turbulence by flying high until we got to the dirt landing strip at which point he pulled back quickly and zoomed down (I have no idea of the technical terms) and we had some serious g-force...I nearly puked. It was like the land tilted, my stomach came up to meet my forehead, and we were strapped into the Gravitron at the fair but thousands of feet from the ground...ugh...cool but also pukey...the pilot laughed at our reactions, heh heh...thanks, R. He is from South Africa and full of stories, great guy. On the return flight we hit some rough turbulence and he looked back from the cockpit and giggled at me, "you're going to die!"...thanks again R...you're real funny...
     It was a great day to fly, blue skies, just a bit of cloud here and there. Docker River was just as I remembered it. We saw a roaming camel and two roaming donkeys. I wanted to get a close-up of the camel but E. the female copper I was in the truck with at the time was not as keen, so drove off before the camel could get up close...we drove to the Western Australia border, which is just 9 kms away, and took my photo under the various and assorted signs. I'm such a tourist sometimes, but I haven't left the Northern Territory yet so this was to be the very first time!

     Flying back into Alice Springs was a bit gross - smoke filled the sky and the stench of bushfire filled the air. The Stuart Highway is closed about 30kms up the road due to serious bushfires and the smoke is blowing into town. The temperatures were high today too, at 30C. After dropping my stuff off at the office, I drove home, picking up my co-worker F. at her office and had a couple of cold beers to debrief our days. Now I've shut the smoke out of my house, and Dundee is racing around with his usual allotment of energy...look out here he comes!

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