Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Joey Time!

     So my friend K. has been fostering a motherless joey (baby kangaroo) for the past several weeks and he is just adorable!!! His name is Rupert and tonight I got to hold him, rock him, and feed him his bottle. Then we watched him hop around my friend F's courtyard, hilarious! I wish I could have gotten a photo of him scratching his belly as it was just priceless.
     My friend has to keep him in a pouchlike bag when he sleeps, to mimic the mother's pouch. He crawls in and goes to sleep, cute as for sure. Sometimes she just hangs the bag on the door if she isn't holding him in her arms. She takes him to work with her, and when she can't take him somewhere he has a 'roo sitter. I have a cat so cannot 'roo sit, but I can visit! She feeds him by bottle still, but he is starting to eat other things. She said he went nuts over his first banana today. He wears diapers in the house, and still needs help with toileting, but soon will be able to go completely on his own. When he gets big enough, the rescue centre takes them back and places them for 3 months on a 'roo reserve where they can acclimate back to outdoor weather and environment, and then they are released into a no-hunting park to live as wild kangaroos again. His fur is amazingly soft...Ah, the joys of living in the outback.

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