Wednesday, May 25, 2011

A Good Day for Saggitarians.

"Your fiery willpower can help you move mountains, Sagittarius. But you already know that. When it's combined with your legendary optimism, it's a powerful tool you just can't do without. Today you will reap the rewards for your hard work over the last month, in every aspect of your life. The fire that burns inside you and gives you your incredible determination has its limits. Don't misuse it."
     I know that much of astrology is subjective, but now and again, they catch my eye with how close they are to something that has been on my mind lately. This one is no exception. In one week I managed to buy a new car, secure a new apartment, and furnish it. Things were looking grim for a bit, but I was hell fired and determined to get an apartment and I had my heart set on a 4x4 so I can continue to explore the greatness that is Australia. I even managed to inspire a friend to secure her apartment, and she did yesterday. She was becoming frustrated as I was about having to work so hard to get an apartment. There is so much competition for apartments, and setting up a new place from scratch is a lot of work when you live alone. So my new Aussie friend and I have been going through it all together. 
     Today we went in search of pallets so she can lay some down for a mattress until she is able to buy a bed frame for it. She drives a Corolla hatchback and a pallet just wouldn't fit in her little car so we took my new rig. She had rung up the local hardware store, along with a dozen other places and they were the only ones she found that gave away pallets. Many have treated and painted pallets that they must account for and return on the next road train. We managed to stuff a pallet in there, but there just wasn't enough room to squeeze in another past the door. She needed 4 pallets, so we made 4 trips, one pallet each. We didn't mind. Alice Springs isn't very big, so we didn't have to go very far to go back and forth from the hardware store. We did manage to put a small rip in the rubber mat I bought with the Rav 4 but nothing major. I bought the rig to USE, so I USE it. You need a pallet on the floor under a mattress or the mice will be crawling in with you, not to mention who knows what else. I've found 3 huge cockroaches so far in this apartment, in addition to the mice. 
     We also made a trip to K-Mart to pick up a few apartment basics. I needed sheets for my new bed, as my stuff won't arrive from Canada for a couple of weeks. I haven't had to buy any of that stuff at the Government rental, but now I'll need a few things. I miss Walmart (I know there are anti-Walmarters, but I have also taken some of you to WALMART where you spent lots of money) and Kmart is a poor substitute, as is Target. The have very little selection on some things, if they carry it at all. I'll have to survey the Darwin scene and see about picking up a few things when I go there for training later this year. 
     So then I checked out another website for my horoscope and came up with this one:
"If you're wishing for changes in your personal life, then do take care. You could be about to get your wish! The planet of excitement Uranus is in your 5th Solar House of Romance, and is about to be triggered by the Sun in your House of Love. Put those two together and you really do have the makings of some changes in the more personal parts of your private life. Singles are in a good position to meet someone unusual and couples can relight the fire. Have some fun! Balancing our chakras helps us align with our dreams!"
     So things that make you go hmmm...          

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