Friday, July 1, 2011

Fireworks Overload

So today is Territory Day in the Northern Territory of Australia. It's also Show Day. What it should be called is Fireworks Day. They started sometime this morning and increased as the day went on. Once nightfall came, it has been non-stop fireworks all over the town. And I mean NON-STOP. BANG!!! POP! CRACK! BANG! POP! CRACKCRACKCRACKCRACKBANGBANGBANGBANG!!!! It's nearly 10pm and it's been going on for many hours now. It is the only day of the year you are allowed to purchase OR use fireworks in the Territory. I think EVERYONE bought some. I've heard stories of people spending $500-$1000 or more today just for their own stash of fireworks. Yeah...that is a lot of money. I can see them going up in the sky all over town, continuous flashes of light and color. I envision Vietnam veterans diving for cover under their beds, covered in sweat and smelling of fear, imagining themselves back in the jungle. Yes, it is THAT bad. They're been pretty continuous for about 6 hours or more now, with no more than a few seconds between each one. The air is thick with smoke from them, and the fires that have been lit. The fire truck was down at the river just down the street from me, putting a fire out. I reckon they're busy tonight.
     I'm over it. SO over it. I can't hear my television or music, and I can't concentrate enough to read. Sometimes they are just little ones snapping and popping and then there is a HUGE one that explodes somewhere nearby loud enough I would have thought I was gunshot. Crazy ass shit, I tell you. I think next year I'll be going elsewhere for Show Day weekend, out of the territory. And now there are some hitting my roof...good thing most homes are made of brick, concrete, and steel around here. I almost feel like I'm under fire. Nasty memories of my house exploding last year on New Year's Eve threaten to come flooding back. I know people are just having fun out there, but dammit, this is a little ridiculous.
     I have no idea how long it's permitted to go on here - until midnight? Beyond? Who knows. Where are my earplugs...

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